♾️ INFINIT CLI Alpha release is now available!


Configuration file is a file that contains the necessary information for the project to run. The configuration file is named infinit.config.yaml and is located in the root directory of the project.

The user can freely define the configuration file based on the project requirements. The configuration file must contain the following information:

  • project_name (string): The name of the project.
  • protocol_module (string): The module that will be used for the project.
  • chain_info (object): The chain information that will be used for the project.
    • network_id (number): The network ID.
    • name (string): The chain name.
    • rpc_url (string): The RPC URL of the chain.

Example Configuration File

# yaml-language-server: $schema=../node_modules/@infinit-xyz/cli/dist/schemas/config/config.schema.json
project_name: my-first-project
protocol_module: uniswap-v3
  network_id: 1
  name: Ethereum
  rpc_url: https://rpc.ankr.com/eth